Jerri Grant
Jerri Grant
As the director for Business Operations Training, Jerri leads training initiatives campus-wide and supports university initiatives by developing, coaching, and providing leadership training via workshops, eLearning, and Instructional Design. Prior to joining UNT, Jerri founded and operated a professional-development firm based in Dallas and held key positions in several Fortune 500 companies such as IBM, Pitney Bowes, and American Airlines. She is a published author who earned her bachelor's degree in Business from Texas A&M University-Commerce, and a Master of Science degree in Learning Technologies from UNT and is pursuing her Ph.D. in Learning Technologies. Jerri holds multiple certifications including but not limited to Everything DiSC®, Meyers-Briggs, and Franklin Covey.
Open Position
Open Position
LMS Admin and Learning Consultant
As the LMS Admin and Training Consultant, this position helps to support employee training by assisting with the management of the Learning Management System. It also supports the creation and facilitation of live training sessions as well as the development and distribution of eLearning courses.
Anthony Rodriguez
Anthony Rodriguez
Learning Data Specialist
As the Learning Data Specialist Anthony's primarily responsible for managing the administration and coordination of assigned training programs, and reports in the LMS. This includes but is not limited to data statistics, learning programs, training preparation, problem-solving, enrollment, and measuring agencies outcomes. Anthony is a recent first-generation graduate from UNT where he obtained a Bachelor of Science in Integrative Studies. During his time at UNT, Anthony served as an ambassador for the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences while working closely with the Gender and LGBT studies departments.
Virtual Help Desk
Virtual Help Desk
The Business Operations Training Team has a talented group of dedicated employees available to assist you with your  Bridge (Learning Management System) needs.  Our team can assist with troubleshooting, login issues, assist with creating eLearning modules, and assigning training to employees including faculty, and staff. We service UNT, UNT System, and UNT Dallas.

Hours of operation are Monday through Friday 8 am – 5 pm. We observe the same closures as the University.