All UNT training courses must follow the Employee Training Governance Guidelines.

There are multiple steps needed to publish a training course in UNT Bridge.

1. Complete UNT Bridge Author Training

Please contact for more information on Author Training.

2. Create the course in Bridge

After finishing your course, review the Bridge Author Course Checklist to ensure that your course meets the UNT eLearning standards.

To ensure your course is fully accessible to all possible learners, please make sure of the following:

  • All videos have closed captioning.

  • Every image has an Alt Text.

  • Any PDF attachment must be accessible PDFs.

  • There is no important text inside of images

3. Publish your course

Fill out the Bridge Live Training and eLearning Publication Form for it to be published.

Courses will be thoroughly reviewed for compliance with the UNT Course Standards and Accessibility compliance. Please allow 7 days for the publication of a standard course.

4. Large course enrollments

For courses with 500 or more anticipated learners, additional steps are required by the university before approval:

  1. To initiate the course approval process for large courses please email with the following information:

    • Name of the course.

    • Number of learners you anticipate will need to take the course.

    • Length of the course.

    • Purpose of the course and if it is connected to UNT Policy or Laws.

    • Frequency requirements: Annually, Bi-annually, or one time distribution.

  2. The approval process will require:

    • Quality Assurance and Accessibility standards are met.

    • Written Approval of the Department Head (VP/Dean or Chair).

    • Compliance Officer's Approval for Entity/s the training will be assigned to (UNT/UNTS/UNTD).

    • Written Approval of the President's Cabinet.

Please allow 30 days for the approval process for courses with 500 or more learners.